text module
- class text.PostprocessText(mydict: dict | None = None, use_csv: bool = False, csv_path: str | None = None, analyze_text: str = 'text_english')
- analyse_topic(return_topics: int = 3) tuple
Performs topic analysis using BERTopic.
- Parameters:
return_topics (int, optional) – Number of topics to return. Defaults to 3.
- Returns:
tuple – A tuple containing the topic model, topic dataframe, and most frequent topics.
- get_text_df(analyze_text: str) list
Extracts text from the provided dataframe.
- Parameters:
analyze_text (str) – Column name for the text field to analyze.
- Returns:
list – A list of text extracted from the dataframe.
- get_text_dict(analyze_text: str) list
Extracts text from the provided dictionary.
- Parameters:
analyze_text (str) – Key for the text field to analyze.
- Returns:
list – A list of text extracted from the dictionary.
- class text.TextAnalyzer(csv_path: str, column_key: str | None = None, csv_encoding: str = 'utf-8')
Used to get text from a csv and then run the TextDetector on it.
- read_csv() dict
Read the CSV file and return the dictionary with the text entries.
- Returns:
dict – The dictionary with the text entries.
- class text.TextDetector(subdict: dict, analyse_text: bool = False, skip_extraction: bool = False, model_names: list | None = None, revision_numbers: list | None = None, accept_privacy: str = 'PRIVACY_AMMICO')
- analyse_image() dict
Perform text extraction and analysis of the text.
- Returns:
dict – The updated dictionary with text analysis results.
- clean_text()
Clean the text from unrecognized words and any numbers.
- get_text_from_image()
Detect text on the image using Google Cloud Vision API.
- remove_linebreaks()
Remove linebreaks from original and translated text.
- set_keys() dict
Set the default keys for text analysis.
- Returns:
dict – The dictionary with default text keys.
- text_ner()
Perform named entity recognition on the text using the Transformers pipeline.
- text_sentiment_transformers()
Perform text classification for sentiment using the Transformers pipeline.
- text_summary()
Generate a summary of the text using the Transformers pipeline.
- translate_text()
Translate the detected text to English using the Translator object.
- text.privacy_disclosure(accept_privacy: str = 'PRIVACY_AMMICO')
Asks the user to accept the privacy statement.
- Parameters:
accept_privacy (str) – The name of the disclosure variable (default: “PRIVACY_AMMICO”).
summary module
- class summary.SummaryDetector(subdict: dict = {}, model_type: str = 'base', analysis_type: str = 'summary_and_questions', list_of_questions: list[str] | None = None, summary_model=None, summary_vis_processors=None, summary_vqa_model=None, summary_vqa_vis_processors=None, summary_vqa_txt_processors=None, summary_vqa_model_new=None, summary_vqa_vis_processors_new=None, summary_vqa_txt_processors_new=None, device_type: str | None = None)
- all_allowed_model_types = ['base', 'large', 'vqa', 'blip2_t5_pretrain_flant5xxl', 'blip2_t5_pretrain_flant5xl', 'blip2_t5_caption_coco_flant5xl', 'blip2_opt_pretrain_opt2.7b', 'blip2_opt_pretrain_opt6.7b', 'blip2_opt_caption_coco_opt2.7b', 'blip2_opt_caption_coco_opt6.7b']
- allowed_analysis_types = ['summary', 'questions', 'summary_and_questions']
- allowed_model_types = ['base', 'large', 'vqa']
- allowed_new_model_types = ['blip2_t5_pretrain_flant5xxl', 'blip2_t5_pretrain_flant5xl', 'blip2_t5_caption_coco_flant5xl', 'blip2_opt_pretrain_opt2.7b', 'blip2_opt_pretrain_opt6.7b', 'blip2_opt_caption_coco_opt2.7b', 'blip2_opt_caption_coco_opt6.7b']
- analyse_image(subdict: dict | None = None, analysis_type: str | None = None, list_of_questions: list[str] | None = None, consequential_questions: bool = False)
Analyse image with blip_caption model.
- Parameters:
analysis_type (str) – type of the analysis.
subdict (dict) – dictionary with analising pictures.
list_of_questions (list[str]) – list of questions.
consequential_questions (bool) – whether to ask consequential questions. Works only for new BLIP2 models.
- Returns:
self.subdict (dict) – dictionary with analysis results.
- analyse_questions(list_of_questions: list[str], consequential_questions: bool = False) dict
Generate answers to free-form questions about image written in natural language.
- Parameters:
list_of_questions (list[str]) – list of questions.
consequential_questions (bool) – whether to ask consequential questions. Works only for new BLIP2 models.
- Returns:
self.subdict (dict) – dictionary with answers to questions.
- analyse_summary(nondeterministic_summaries: bool = True)
Create 1 constant and 3 non deterministic captions for image.
- Parameters:
nondeterministic_summaries (bool) – whether to create 3 non deterministic captions.
- Returns:
self.subdict (dict) – dictionary with analysis results.
- check_model()
Check model type and return appropriate model and preprocessors.
- Returns:
model (nn.Module) – model.
vis_processors (dict) – visual preprocessor.
txt_processors (dict) – text preprocessor.
model_old (bool) – whether model is old or new.
- load_model(model_type: str)
Load blip_caption model and preprocessors for visual inputs from lavis.models.
- Parameters:
model_type (str) – type of the model.
- Returns:
summary_model (torch.nn.Module) – model.
summary_vis_processors (dict) – preprocessors for visual inputs.
- load_model_base()
Load base_coco blip_caption model and preprocessors for visual inputs from lavis.models.
- Returns:
summary_model (torch.nn.Module) – model.
summary_vis_processors (dict) – preprocessors for visual inputs.
- load_model_base_blip2_opt_caption_coco_opt67b()
Load BLIP2 model with caption_coco_opt6.7b architecture.
- Returns:
model (torch.nn.Module) – model.
vis_processors (dict) – preprocessors for visual inputs.
txt_processors (dict) – preprocessors for text inputs.
- load_model_base_blip2_opt_pretrain_opt67b()
Load BLIP2 model with pretrain_opt6.7b architecture.
- Returns:
model (torch.nn.Module) – model.
vis_processors (dict) – preprocessors for visual inputs.
txt_processors (dict) – preprocessors for text inputs.
- load_model_blip2_opt_caption_coco_opt27b()
Load BLIP2 model with caption_coco_opt2.7b architecture.
- Returns:
model (torch.nn.Module) – model.
vis_processors (dict) – preprocessors for visual inputs.
txt_processors (dict) – preprocessors for text inputs.
- load_model_blip2_opt_pretrain_opt27b()
Load BLIP2 model with pretrain_opt2 architecture.
- Returns:
model (torch.nn.Module) – model.
vis_processors (dict) – preprocessors for visual inputs.
txt_processors (dict) – preprocessors for text inputs.
- load_model_blip2_t5_caption_coco_flant5xl()
Load BLIP2 model with caption_coco_flant5xl architecture.
- Returns:
model (torch.nn.Module) – model.
vis_processors (dict) – preprocessors for visual inputs.
txt_processors (dict) – preprocessors for text inputs.
- load_model_blip2_t5_pretrain_flant5xl()
Load BLIP2 model with FLAN-T5 XL architecture.
- Returns:
model (torch.nn.Module) – model.
vis_processors (dict) – preprocessors for visual inputs.
txt_processors (dict) – preprocessors for text inputs.
- load_model_blip2_t5_pretrain_flant5xxl()
Load BLIP2 model with FLAN-T5 XXL architecture.
- Returns:
model (torch.nn.Module) – model.
vis_processors (dict) – preprocessors for visual inputs.
txt_processors (dict) – preprocessors for text inputs.
- load_model_large()
Load large_coco blip_caption model and preprocessors for visual inputs from lavis.models.
- Returns:
summary_model (torch.nn.Module) – model.
summary_vis_processors (dict) – preprocessors for visual inputs.
- load_new_model(model_type: str)
Load new BLIP2 models.
- Parameters:
model_type (str) – type of the model.
- Returns:
model (torch.nn.Module) – model.
vis_processors (dict) – preprocessors for visual inputs.
txt_processors (dict) – preprocessors for text inputs.
- load_vqa_model()
Load blip_vqa model and preprocessors for visual and text inputs from lavis.models.
- Returns:
summary_vqa_model (torch.nn.Module) – model.
summary_vqa_vis_processors (dict) – preprocessors for visual inputs.
summary_vqa_txt_processors (dict) – preprocessors for text inputs.
multimodal search module
- class multimodal_search.MultimodalSearch(subdict: dict)
- compute_gradcam_batch(model: Module, visual_input: Tensor, text_input: str, tokenized_text: Tensor, block_num: str = 6) tuple
Compute gradcam for itm model.
- Parameters:
model (torch.nn.Module) – model.
visual_input (torch.Tensor) – tensors of images features stacked in device.
text_input (str) – text.
tokenized_text (torch.Tensor) – tokenized text.
block_num (int) – number of block. Default: 6.
- Returns:
gradcam (torch.Tensor) – gradcam.
output (torch.Tensor) – output of model.
- extract_image_features_basic(model, images_tensors: Tensor) Tensor
Extract image features from images_tensors with blip_feature_extractor or albef_feature_extractor model.
- Parameters:
model (torch.nn.Module) – model.
images_tensors (torch.Tensor) – tensors of images stacked in device.
- Returns:
features_image_stacked (torch.Tensor) – tensors of images features stacked in device.
- extract_image_features_blip2(model, images_tensors: Tensor) Tensor
Extract image features from images_tensors with blip2_feature_extractor model.
- Parameters:
model (torch.nn.Module) – model.
images_tensors (torch.Tensor) – tensors of images stacked in device.
- Returns:
features_image_stacked (torch.Tensor) – tensors of images features stacked in device.
- extract_image_features_clip(model, images_tensors: Tensor) Tensor
Extract image features from images_tensors with clip_feature_extractor model.
- Parameters:
model (torch.nn.Module) – model.
images_tensors (torch.Tensor) – tensors of images stacked in device.
- Returns:
features_image_stacked (torch.Tensor) – tensors of images features stacked in device.
- extract_text_features(model, text_input: str) Tensor
Extract text features from text_input with feature_extractor model.
- Parameters:
model (torch.nn.Module) – model.
text_input (str) – text.
- Returns:
features_text (torch.Tensor) – tensors of text features.
- get_att_map(img: ndarray, att_map: ndarray, blur: bool = True, overlap: bool = True) ndarray
Get attention map.
- Parameters:
img (np.ndarray) – image.
att_map (np.ndarray) – attention map.
blur (bool) – blur attention map. Default: True.
overlap (bool) – overlap attention map with image. Default: True.
- Returns:
att_map (np.ndarray) – attention map.
- get_pathes_from_query(query: dict[str, str]) tuple
Get pathes and image names from query.
- Parameters:
query (dict) – query.
- Returns:
paths (list) – list of pathes.
image_names (list) – list of image names.
- image_text_match_reordering(search_query: list[dict[str, str]], itm_model_type: str, image_keys: list, sorted_lists: list[list], batch_size: int = 1, need_grad_cam: bool = False) tuple
Reorder images with itm model.
- Parameters:
search_query (list) – list of querys.
itm_model_type (str) – type of the model.
image_keys (list) – sorted list of image keys.
sorted_lists (list) – sorted list of similarity.
batch_size (int) – batch size. Default: 1.
need_grad_cam (bool) – need gradcam. Default: False. blip2_coco model does not yet work with gradcam.
- Returns:
itm_scores2 – list of itm scores.
image_gradcam_with_itm – dict of image names and gradcam.
- itm_text_precessing(search_query: list[dict[str, str]]) list
Process text querys for itm model.
- Parameters:
search_query (list) – list of querys.
- Returns:
text_query_index (list) – list of indexes of text querys.
- load_feature_extractor_model_albef(device: str = 'cpu')
Load base albef_feature_extractor model and preprocessors for visual and text inputs from lavis.models.
- Parameters:
device (str) – device to use. Can be “cpu” or “cuda”. Default: “cpu”.
- Returns:
model (torch.nn.Module) – model.
vis_processors (dict) – preprocessors for visual inputs.
txt_processors (dict) – preprocessors for text inputs.
- load_feature_extractor_model_blip(device: str = 'cpu')
Load base blip_feature_extractor model and preprocessors for visual and text inputs from lavis.models.
- Parameters:
device (str) – device to use. Can be “cpu” or “cuda”. Default: “cpu”.
- Returns:
model (torch.nn.Module) – model.
vis_processors (dict) – preprocessors for visual inputs.
txt_processors (dict) – preprocessors for text inputs.
- load_feature_extractor_model_blip2(device: str = 'cpu')
Load pretrain blip2_feature_extractor model and preprocessors for visual and text inputs from lavis.models.
- Parameters:
device (str) – device to use. Can be “cpu” or “cuda”. Default: “cpu”.
- Returns:
model (torch.nn.Module) – model.
vis_processors (dict) – preprocessors for visual inputs.
txt_processors (dict) – preprocessors for text inputs.
- load_feature_extractor_model_clip_base(device: str = 'cpu')
Load base clip_feature_extractor model and preprocessors for visual and text inputs from lavis.models.
- Parameters:
device (str) – device to use. Can be “cpu” or “cuda”. Default: “cpu”.
- Returns:
model (torch.nn.Module) – model.
vis_processors (dict) – preprocessors for visual inputs.
txt_processors (dict) – preprocessors for text inputs.
- load_feature_extractor_model_clip_vitl14(device: str = 'cpu')
Load ViT-L-14 clip_feature_extractor model and preprocessors for visual and text inputs from lavis.models.
- Parameters:
device (str) – device to use. Can be “cpu” or “cuda”. Default: “cpu”.
- Returns:
model (torch.nn.Module) – model.
vis_processors (dict) – preprocessors for visual inputs.
txt_processors (dict) – preprocessors for text inputs.
- load_feature_extractor_model_clip_vitl14_336(device: str = 'cpu')
Load ViT-L-14-336 clip_feature_extractor model and preprocessors for visual and text inputs from lavis.models.
- Parameters:
device (str) – device to use. Can be “cpu” or “cuda”. Default: “cpu”.
- Returns:
model (torch.nn.Module) – model.
vis_processors (dict) – preprocessors for visual inputs.
txt_processors (dict) – preprocessors for text inputs.
- load_tensors(name: str) Tensor
Load tensors from given path.
- Parameters:
name (str) – name of the file.
- Returns:
features_image_stacked (torch.Tensor) – tensors of images features.
- multimodal_device = device(type='cpu')
- multimodal_search(model, vis_processors, txt_processors, model_type: str, image_keys: list, features_image_stacked: Tensor, search_query: list, filter_number_of_images: str | None = None, filter_val_limit: str | None = None, filter_rel_error: str | None = None) tuple
Search for images with given querys.
- Parameters:
model (torch.nn.Module) – model.
vis_processors (dict) – preprocessors for visual inputs.
txt_processors (dict) – preprocessors for text inputs.
model_type (str) – type of the model.
image_keys (list) – sorted list of image keys.
features_image_stacked (torch.Tensor) – tensors of images features stacked in device.
search_query (list) – list of querys.
filter_number_of_images (str) – number of images to show. Default: None.
filter_val_limit (str) – limit of similarity value. Default: None.
filter_rel_error (str) – limit of relative error. Default: None.
- Returns:
similarity (torch.Tensor) – similarity between images and querys.
sorted_lists (list) – sorted list of similarity.
- parsing_images(model_type: str, path_to_save_tensors: str = './saved_tensors/', path_to_load_tensors: str | None = None) tuple
Parsing images with feature_extractor model.
- Parameters:
model_type (str) – type of the model.
path_to_save_tensors (str) – path to save the tensors. Default: “./saved_tensors/”.
path_to_load_tensors (str) – path to load the tesors. Default: None.
- Returns:
model (torch.nn.Module) – model.
vis_processors (dict) – preprocessors for visual inputs.
txt_processors (dict) – preprocessors for text inputs.
image_keys (list) – sorted list of image keys.
image_names (list) – sorted list of image names.
features_image_stacked (torch.Tensor) – tensors of images features stacked in device.
- querys_processing(search_query: list, model, txt_processors, vis_processors, model_type: str) Tensor
Process querys.
- Parameters:
search_query (list) – list of querys.
model (torch.nn.Module) – model.
txt_processors (dict) – preprocessors for text inputs.
vis_processors (dict) – preprocessors for visual inputs.
model_type (str) – type of the model.
- Returns:
multi_features_stacked (torch.Tensor) – tensors of querys features.
- read_and_process_images(image_paths: list, vis_processor) tuple
Read and process images with vis_processor.
- Parameters:
image_paths (str) – paths to images.
vis_processor (dict) – preprocessors for visual inputs.
- Returns:
raw_images (list) – list of images.
images_tensors (torch.Tensor) – tensors of images stacked in device.
- read_and_process_images_itm(image_paths: list, vis_processor) tuple
Read and process images with vis_processor for itm model.
- Parameters:
image_paths (list) – paths to images.
vis_processor (dict) – preprocessors for visual inputs.
- Returns:
raw_images (list) – list of images.
images_tensors (torch.Tensor) – tensors of images stacked in device.
- read_img(filepath: str) <module 'PIL.Image' from '/opt/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.9.21/x64/lib/python3.9/site-packages/PIL/Image.py'>
Load Image from filepath.
- Parameters:
filepath (str) – path to image.
- Returns:
raw_image (PIL.Image) – image.
- resize_img(raw_img: <module 'PIL.Image' from '/opt/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.9.21/x64/lib/python3.9/site-packages/PIL/Image.py'>)
Proportional resize image to 240 p width.
- Parameters:
raw_img (PIL.Image) – image.
- Returns:
resized_image (PIL.Image) – proportional resized image to 240p.
- save_tensors(model_type: str, features_image_stacked: Tensor, name: str = 'saved_features_image.pt', path: str = './saved_tensors/') str
Save tensors as binary to given path.
- Parameters:
model_type (str) – type of the model.
features_image_stacked (torch.Tensor) – tensors of images features stacked in device.
name (str) – name of the file. Default: “saved_features_image.pt”.
path (str) – path to save the file. Default: “./saved_tensors/”.
- Returns:
name (str) – name of the file.
- show_results(query: dict, itm: bool = False, image_gradcam_with_itm: dict = {}) None
Show results of search.
- Parameters:
query (dict) – query.
itm (bool) – use itm model. Default: False.
image_gradcam_with_itm (dict) – use gradcam. Default: empty.
- upload_model_blip2_coco() tuple
Load coco blip2_image_text_matching model and preprocessors for visual inputs from lavis.models.
- Returns:
itm_model (torch.nn.Module) – model.
vis_processor (dict) – preprocessors for visual inputs.
- upload_model_blip_base() tuple
Load base blip_image_text_matching model and preprocessors for visual input from lavis.models.
- Returns:
itm_model (torch.nn.Module) – model.
vis_processor (dict) – preprocessors for visual inputs.
- upload_model_blip_large() tuple
Load large blip_image_text_matching model and preprocessors for visual input from lavis.models.
- Returns:
itm_model (torch.nn.Module) – model.
vis_processor (dict) – preprocessors for visual inputs.
faces module
- class faces.EmotionDetector(subdict: dict, emotion_threshold: float = 50.0, race_threshold: float = 50.0, gender_threshold: float = 50.0, accept_disclosure: str = 'DISCLOSURE_AMMICO')
- analyse_image() dict
Performs facial expression analysis on the image.
- Returns:
dict – The updated subdict dictionary with analysis results.
- analyze_single_face(face: ndarray) dict
Analyzes the features of a single face on the image.
- Parameters:
face (np.ndarray) – The face image array.
- Returns:
dict – The analysis results for the face.
- clean_subdict(result: dict) dict
Cleans the subdict dictionary by converting results into appropriate formats.
- Parameters:
result (dict) – The analysis results.
- Returns:
dict – The updated subdict dictionary.
- facial_expression_analysis() dict
Performs facial expression analysis on the image.
- Returns:
dict – The updated subdict dictionary with analysis results.
- set_keys() dict
Sets the initial parameters for the analysis.
- Returns:
dict – The dictionary with initial parameter values.
- wears_mask(face: ndarray) bool
Determines whether a face wears a mask.
- Parameters:
face (np.ndarray) – The face image array.
- Returns:
bool – True if the face wears a mask, False otherwise.
- faces.deepface_symlink_processor(name)
- faces.ethical_disclosure(accept_disclosure: str = 'DISCLOSURE_AMMICO')
Asks the user to accept the ethical disclosure.
- Parameters:
accept_disclosure (str) – The name of the disclosure variable (default: “DISCLOSURE_AMMICO”).
color_analysis module
- class colors.ColorDetector(subdict: dict, delta_e_method: str = 'CIE 1976')
- analyse_image()
Uses the colorgram library to extract the n most common colors from the images. One problem is, that the most common colors are taken before beeing categorized, so for small values it might occur that the ten most common colors are shades of grey, while other colors are present but will be ignored. Because of this n_colors=100 was chosen as default.
The colors are then matched to the closest color in the CSS3 color list using the delta-e metric. They are then merged into one data frame. The colors can be reduced to a smaller list of colors using the get_color_table function. These colors are: “red”, “green”, “blue”, “yellow”,”cyan”, “orange”, “purple”, “pink”, “brown”, “grey”, “white”, “black”.
- Returns:
dict – Dictionary with color names as keys and percentage of color in image as values.
- rgb2name(c, merge_color: bool = True, delta_e_method: str = 'CIE 1976') str
Take an rgb color as input and return the closest color name from the CSS3 color list.
- Parameters:
c (Union[List,tuple]) – RGB value.
merge_color (bool, Optional) – Whether color name should be reduced, defaults to True.
- Returns:
str – Closest matching color name.
- set_keys() dict
cropposts module
- cropposts.compute_crop_corner(matches: DMatch, kp1: ndarray, kp2: ndarray, region: int = 30, h_margin: int = 0, v_margin: int = 5, min_match: int = 6) Tuple[int, int] | None
Estimate the position on the image from where to crop.
- Parameters:
matches (cv2.DMatch) – The matched objects on the image.
kp1 (np.ndarray) – Key points of the matches for the reference image.
kp2 (np.ndarray) – Key points of the matches for the social media posts.
region (int, optional) – Area to consider around the keypoints. Defaults to 30.
h_margin (int, optional) – Horizontal margin to subtract from the minimum horizontal position. Defaults to 0.
v_margin (int, optional) – Vertical margin to subtract from the minimum vertical position. Defaults to 5.
min_match – Minimum number of matches required. Defaults to 6.
- Returns:
tuple, optional – Tuple of vertical and horizontal crop corner coordinates.
- cropposts.crop_image_from_post(view: ndarray, final_h: int) ndarray
Crop the image part from the social media post.
- Parameters:
view (np.ndarray) – The image to be cropped.
final_h – The horizontal position up to which should be cropped.
- Returns:
np.ndarray – The cropped image part.
- cropposts.crop_media_posts(files, ref_files, save_crop_dir, plt_match=False, plt_crop=False, plt_image=False) None
Crop social media posts so that comments beyond the first comment/post are cut off.
- Parameters:
files (list) – List of all the files to be cropped.
ref_files (list) – List of all the reference images that signify below which regions should be cropped.
save_crop_dir (str) – Directory where to write the cropped social media posts to.
plt_match (Bool, optional) – Display the matched areas on the social media post. Defaults to False.
plt_crop (Bool, optional) – Display the cropped text part of the social media post. Defaults to False.
plt_image (Bool, optional) – Display the image part of the social media post. Defaults to False.
- cropposts.crop_posts_from_refs(ref_views: List, view: ndarray, plt_match: bool = False, plt_crop: bool = False, plt_image: bool = False) ndarray
Crop the social media post comments from the image.
- Parameters:
ref_views (list) – List of all the reference images (as numpy arrays) that signify below which regions should be cropped.
view (np.ndarray) – The image to crop.
- Returns:
np.ndarray – The cropped social media post.
- cropposts.crop_posts_image(ref_view: List, view: ndarray) None | Tuple[ndarray, int, int, int]
Crop the social media post to exclude additional comments. Sometimes also crops the image part of the post - this is put back in later.
- Parameters:
ref_views (list) – List of all the reference images (as numpy arrays) that signify below which regions should be cropped.
view (np.ndarray) – The image to crop.
- Returns:
np.ndarray – The cropped social media post.
- cropposts.draw_matches(matches: List, img1: ndarray, img2: ndarray, kp1: List[KeyPoint], kp2: List[KeyPoint]) None
Visualize the matches from SIFT.
- Parameters:
matches (list[cv2.Match]) – List of cv2.Match matches on the image.
img1 (np.ndarray) – The reference image.
img2 (np.ndarray) – The social media post.
kp1 (list[cv2.KeyPoint]) – List of keypoints from the first image.
kp2 (list[cv2.KeyPoint]) – List of keypoints from the second image.
- cropposts.kp_from_matches(matches, kp1: ndarray, kp2: ndarray) Tuple[Tuple, Tuple]
Extract the match indices from the keypoints.
- Parameters:
kp1 (np.ndarray) – Key points of the matches,
kp2 (np.ndarray) – Key points of the matches,
- Returns:
tuple – Index of the descriptor in the list of train descriptors.
tuple – index of the descriptor in the list of query descriptors.
- cropposts.matching_points(img1: ndarray, img2: ndarray) Tuple[DMatch, List[KeyPoint], List[KeyPoint]]
Computes keypoint matches using the SIFT algorithm between two images.
- Parameters:
img1 (np.ndarray) – The reference image.
img2 (np.ndarray) – The social media post.
- Returns:
cv2.DMatch – List of filtered keypoint matches.
cv2.KeyPoint – List of keypoints from the first image.
cv2.KeyPoint – List of keypoints from the second image.
- cropposts.paste_image_and_comment(crop_post: ndarray, crop_view: ndarray) ndarray
Paste the image part and the text part together without the unecessary comments.
- Parameters:
crop_post (np.ndarray) – The cropped image part of the social media post.
crop_view (np.ndarray) – The cropped text part of the social media post.
- Returns:
np.ndarray – The image and text part of the social media post in one image.
utils module
- class utils.AnalysisMethod(subdict: dict)
Base class to be inherited by all analysis methods.
- analyse_image()
- set_keys()
- class utils.DownloadResource(**kwargs)
A remote resource that needs on demand downloading.
We use this as a wrapper to the pooch library. The wrapper registers each data file and allows prefetching through the CLI entry point ammico_prefetch_models.
- get()
- resources = []
- utils.ammico_prefetch_models()
Prefetch all the download resources
- utils.append_data_to_dict(mydict: dict) dict
Append entries from nested dictionaries to keys in a global dict.
- utils.dump_df(mydict: dict) DataFrame
Utility to dump the dictionary into a dataframe.
- utils.find_files(path: str | None = None, pattern=['png', 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'gif', 'webp', 'avif', 'tiff'], recursive: bool = True, limit=20, random_seed: int | None = None) dict
Find image files on the file system.
- Parameters:
path (str, optional) – The base directory where we are looking for the images. Defaults to None, which uses the ammico data directory if set or the current working directory otherwise.
pattern (str|list, optional) – The naming pattern that the filename should match. Use either ‘.ext’ or just ‘ext’ Defaults to [“png”, “jpg”, “jpeg”, “gif”, “webp”, “avif”,”tiff”]. Can be used to allow other patterns or to only include specific prefixes or suffixes.
recursive (bool, optional) – Whether to recurse into subdirectories. Default is set to True.
limit (int/list, optional) – The maximum number of images to be found. Provide a list or tuple of length 2 to batch the images. Defaults to 20. To return all images, set to None or -1.
random_seed (int, optional) – The random seed to use for shuffling the images. If None is provided the data will not be shuffeled. Defaults to None.
- Returns:
dict – A nested dictionary with file ids and all filenames including the path.
- utils.get_color_table()
- utils.get_dataframe(mydict: dict) DataFrame
- utils.initialize_dict(filelist: list) dict
Initialize the nested dictionary for all the found images.
- Parameters:
filelist (list) – The list of files to be analyzed, including their paths.
- Returns:
dict – The nested dictionary with all image ids and their paths.
- utils.is_interactive()
Check if we are running in an interactive environment.
- utils.iterable(arg)
display module
- class display.AnalysisExplorer(mydict: dict)
- run_server(port: int = 8050) None
Run the Dash server to start the analysis explorer.
- Parameters:
port (int, optional) – The port number to run the server on (default: 8050).
- update_picture(img_path: str)
Callback function to update the displayed image.
- Parameters:
img_path (str) – The path of the selected image.
- Returns:
Union[PIL.PngImagePlugin, None] – The image object to be displayed or None if the image path is