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SSC Coding Guidelines

Python Coding Guidelines

Our recommendations for creating and maintaining reliable scientific software in Python.

Good default choices

Here are our suggested default choices for build systems and third party libraries, which are all widely used and well supported:

For each choice there are of course many alternatives, each with their pros and cons, but these represent a sensible default choice for the vast majority of Python projects.

Our Python Project Template is a simple way to start a new Python project with all of the above already set up - just click on the green Use this template button.

For more advanced features such as automated pypi deployment and package versioning integrated with git see our Python Package Cookiecutter

Python standards and package names

Adhere to Python styling recommendations (PEP8). A standard style of Python code helps you parse the code more quickly and also helps others understand your code without mental effort involved in figuring out how the information is presented.

Once you decide on a valid Python package name, check the general web and the Python ecosystem if this name is already taken (,, pystats).


Good tools make it easier to develop good code. Unlike the previous section, where a single choice must be made for the project, each person contributing to a project can use whichever tools they prefer. Some recommendations:

There is a vast abundance of available libraries in Python. When you incorporate such a library in your Python project, you are introducing a dependency. For dependencies you should check that

When you use a dependency, you should reference it in your requirements.txtor pyproject.toml file. As long as you only use it and not distribute the dependency with your code, you are free to choose the license of your code independently. However, note that if you distribute third-party code together with your software, the licenses need to be compatible and you need to pay proper attribution.